Clear Books is priced at £18m. How did we come up with that figure?

There are two ways to value a business. There is the financial analyst who compares to existing businesses and looks at multiples of revenue. Then there is the growth investor who acts on instinct, understands the vision, the product, the company culture, the risk and is able to identify the opportunity to scale.

The single biggest factor that will make Clear Books a success is the support of our customers. By owning your piece of Clear Books you are contributing to that success. We are creating something that none of our competitors have. FreeAgent is largely owned by Venture Capital firms, Xero is valued at NZ $3bn and raised US $150m this week, mostly coming from Venture Capital firms. Yesterday KashFlow was acquired by IRIS, which is owned by a Venture Capital firm.

Clear Books is owned by 227 British businesses, entrepreneurs and accountants – our customers. We’re on a completely unique trajectory with different motives and a bigger vision.

Before the weekend sets in, this is your call to arms.

This is a unique opportunity. There is no other British cloud accounting software company that you can buy a part of unless you are a member of the exclusive venture capital club. If you like Clear Books and want to be involved in what we do, benefit financially from our future growth, benefit as a customer through a better system and come on this amazing journey with us then buy a share in our company.

We have raised £275,325. Our next target is £300,000.

P.s. if you use Open Payroll then give our integrated HR module a go. Record absenses and get alerts on who’s on holiday in the week ahead. Click “More” in the top menu bar when logged in and choose “Staff Room”.

Thanks and enjoy your weekend!

Clear Books plc

Posted by Tim Fouracre

Tim founded Clear Books in 2008. Like many small business owners he worked from home for 15 months to get his startup off the ground. Today Tim enjoys helping Clear Books, its customers and its growing team innovate and achieve. Tim did his GCE O Levels in Ghana.